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Guiding substitution

The Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution supports organizations in identifying hazardous substances and finding better alternatives, in order to reach the environmental quality objective “A non-toxic environment” set by the Swedish Government.  

In the autumn of 2017, the Swedish Government commissioned RISE to set up the Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution. Our mission is to support Swedish companies and public actors to phase out hazardous chemicals as a part of the work to achieve the Swedish environmental quality objective “A non-toxic environment” and the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals in Agenda 2030.   

Substitution of particularly hazardous substances 

The substances we focus on are those included in the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s guide on substitution (PRIO) which, in turn, is based on the criteria to be considered as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in the EU’s REACH Regulation. We make an extra effort to reduce the presence of particularly hazardous substances in consumer goods, and offer our support especially to small and medium enterprises. 

Would you like to know more about the background of the Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution? Download the Inquiry that made the basis for the creation of the centre from the Swedish Government (in Swedish)

Catalyzing substitution  

Our vision is to act as the catalyst for substitution in Sweden. We act as a matchmaking node between companies, academia, industries, authorities and other organizations. By promoting interactions and knowledge exchange we strive to push the development of substitution forward. 

Would you like to collaborate or contribute? Send an email to!

Anna Jacobs

Contact person

Anna Jacobs

Centrumledare för Substitutionscentrum

+46 10 228 45 30

Read more about Anna

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