Contact person
Susanne Bryngelsson
Contact SusanneNutrition and knowledge about the health effects of various ingredients and foods are important pieces of the puzzle in food product development. At RISE, nutrition experts work together with experts in product design, process technology, environment, sensory analysis, consumer behavior, and food safety, aiming for competitive future foods.
The primary function of food is to provide the body with necessary energy and nutrients. The food we eat is also central to our health in many other ways. In fact, five of the leading risk factors for disease and death are linked to our eating habits. When seeking solutions for sustainable food in the future, it is therefore important to include nutrition and knowledge about the health effects of various ingredients and foods, so that we do not risk missing the target.
RISE offers support before and during the product development process in many different forms, such as assessments, analyses, workshops, lectures, training sessions, and knowledge reports. We collaborate with companies in both commissioned and research projects.
We offer support and assistance regarding:
We are happy to design training and workshops that suit your organization. Some areas that we often receive requests for are: