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City district wide mobility system, Gamlestaden

SÖMS: "District-wide mobility system, development and demo site Gamlestaden" tests and evaluates technologies, agreements and business models for sharing facilities and roaming between mobility services, cooperation models for property owners, as well as joint coordination, methodological support and marketing.

The purpose of the project is to test and evaluate the most important parts of a city district-wide solution and the cooperation model that was developed in stage 1 of the preliminary study from 2021. SÖMS will prepare a scale-up to other districts which, like Gamlestaden, consist of a mixture of existing and additional properties and many and different property owners with their own financial motivations.

The solution is based on connected services and sharable parking resources that together create a cohesive mobility system with high accessibility in the entire city district. It partly solves the problem of each property owner creating or procuring it's own solution, partly the problem of creating or buying up a common solution, while at the same time opens up for actors who want to take an aggregating role.

Unlike the mobility broker concept, the network model can also be implemented in larger, already established areas and take place step by step, although new constructions with low parking norms and mobility agreements/free purchases will be important levers.

The most effective way to reduce the ownership and use of private cars is in the long term to offer something better - affordable mobility services that meet needs in a more flexible way combined with proximity to everyday services, good public transport and good cycling and walking routes.

The service providers need to have the right conditions to be attractive, sustainable and able to develop over time, including access to space, a sufficiently large customer base and effective marketing channels. The solution thus creates new opportunities for the currently poorly developed mobility service industry, but also for property owners who can optimize the number and use of parking spaces and for municipalities who can see greater and more lasting effects of mobility agreements and other policy instruments.

The project goal is to test and evaluate technology, agreements and business models for sharing facilities and roaming between services, as well as cooperation models for property owners.


Project name





Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

Project management, research coordination and research

Project start


Two years

Total budget

SEK 2,6M


Bostads AB Poseidon, Mabi Mobility AB, Mobility 46, Kinto, Platzer Fastigheter AB


Vinnova - Beteendeförändringar inom mobilitetssystemet

Project members

External press

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
13. Climate action
Tor Skoglund

Contact person

Tor Skoglund

+46 72 215 58 42

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