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Scania Södertälje

Design of high-voltage motors for reuse with focus on plastic

By implementing the project's concept, it is expected that the lifetime of the engine will be extended by about 10%, the use of recycled material will increase by 20% and 10% energy will be saved during the engine's lifetime.

This project focuses on the plastic material inside the electric motor and different ways to design the plastics so that they can be more easily detached from the internal parts of the motor and facilitate recycling and repair. This includes improving current thermoset systems by designing reversible chemical bonds for controlled adhesion and investigating the possibility of using the same type of plastic for multiple applications (polyolefins). Reducing the number of different types of plastic in the system facilitates recycling and lowers production costs.

The following tasks will be performed:

Identify possible candidates and modifications that can be done to develop new plastic material that have the possibility of swelling or softening at temperatures below 250 °C allowing release by using a stimulus such as a solvent.  

Perform initial testing of the electric properties of the new plastic material by determining the Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of twisted pair sample wires.  

Identify and perform initial testing to evaluate durability and disassembly feasibility.

Perform a brief analysis of the recycling process in a future industrial environment.  


Project name





Region Stockholm, Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

koordinator, deltagare

Project start


6 månader

Total budget

500 ksek


Borealis AB, Scania CV AB, Dahren Group, Chalmers University


Vinnova FFI

Project website

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Contact person

Maria Hammarquist

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 53 72

Read more about Maria

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