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Towards Zero emission 3D printed copper electrical motor Windings

This project aims to create and evaluate more efficient motor designs with improved field factors and reduced environmental impacts, by exploiting the use of additive manufacturing. This enables higher motor efficiencies and longer lifetimes compared to the state of the art today, leading to 5-10% lower carbon footprint for electric motors.

This Z-3D-Windings project aims to transform the manufacturing of electric motor windings using advanced additive manufacturing (AM) by evaluating the technical challenges and environmental impact of the process.

These more flexible designs that can be made with AM should i) reduce some harmonic losses in the motors, ii) create more efficient space utilization for copper in the motor, iii) allow for more efficient and built-in cooling, iv) increase the power/efficiency of the motors, v) improve the recyclability of the motors at the end of their lifetime. This project aims to increase the speed of this innovation to be used in the electric vehicle market, resulting in improved performance and durability.

More specifically, AM use for electric motors is expected to increase the efficiency of the motor by extracting more torque (power). Our goal is to reach 40-50% higher power, which means 3-5% higher efficiency beyond the current efficiency (around 90-92%). Problems or needs that the project will address:

Problem 1: The reflective properties of copper require specialized printing equipment and limit the use of laser-based AM technology. Actions: Design of high geometry windings and additive manufacturing of these winding designs that have higher field factors compared to traditional designs (over 80% from 35-50% traditional traditional windings). Printing of complex AM windings with densities above 99% and electrical conductivity above 95%.


Problem 2: The rough surface of the printed copper can create points for thermal and electrical problems. Action: Change the surface quality of copper parts produced by powder bed fusion (reduce surface roughness St to below 40 µm)

Problem 3: Insulation around the copper - how best to insulate this new type of winding. Actions: Insulate using a variety of methods, then characterize these small-scale motor parts (motorettes) to determine their performance and feasibility.

Problem 4: The design and how it relates to the performance of the new motors. Actions: Measure the percentage increase in field factor with a target of 3-5% increase in motor efficiency. 2 of 18 FFI Zero Emissions Towards Zero Emissions 3D printed Swedish Energy Agency copper electric motor windings.

Problem 5: Understand the environmental impact of the new engines and how the new products are aligned with the established product quality rules within the EU countries. Actions: Understand key indicators in the production chain, use feedback from all members of the value chain, and create a software to monitor regulations (Clever Compliance AB).


Project name





Region Stockholm

RISE role in project


Project start


3 år

Total budget



Kungliga Tekniska Högskola (Production Department), Scania CV AB, Xylem Water Solutions AB, Clever Compliance AB, Nils Malmgren AB


Energimyndigheten FFI

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
Stacy Trey
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Saeed Khademzadeh

Contact person

Saeed Khademzadeh


+46 10 722 32 34

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