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Two seniors eating
Photo: Mats Stading

Food and Drinks for Seniors - FRESH

The project develops high-energy, high-protein nutritious food for seniors and thickened beverages for those with swallowing disorders (dysphagia). The goal is to address prevent age-related frailty (foods) and manage dysphagia (beverages).

As more and more of us live longer, age-related problems such as frailty, loss of muscle mass and muscle function (sarcopenia) are on the rise. A major cause of both frailty and sarcopenia is that these seniors are not getting enough energy, protein and other nutrients, and this is often caused by swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). For older seniors in particular, this leads to malnutrition and weight loss, and unfortunately often to nursing home care, hospitalization and ultimately death. Frailty is closely linked to falls, which together lead to a negative spiral. In addition to human suffering, the cost of malnutrition alone is estimated at SEK 9 billion per year and falls at SEK 25 billion per year.

The project is developing food and drink products in close collaboration with industry to reduce the problems described by drawing on previous research to develop fortified ready meals and tasty thickeners with good mouthfeel. This will result in improved quality of life for older people, reduced healthcare costs and even better ready meals, thickened drinks and thickeners, especially adapted for seniors.


Project name

Food and Drinks for Seniors



RISE role in project


Project start



Total budget

4 000 000 SEK


Högskolan i Kristianstad, Lyckeby, Dafgårds, Helsingborgs Kommun



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
Mats Stading

Contact person

Mats Stading

Senior forskare

+46 76 127 26 03

Read more about Mats

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