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Dried protein extracted from forage
Photo: Lovisa Eliasson

Forage based products for monogastric animals - a step towards commerc

This project is about refining grass to meet a demand for proteins for, above all, organic poultry production and an expected increased demand for soy-free feed solutions for monogastric animals. Forage-based products also improve the economic preconditions to increase the proportion of grass in the crop rotation of farms without animals.

In the project, two production systems will be developed that describe parallel development opportunities towards commercial production of protein from forage crops for feed for monogastric animals, primarily in organic production. Technical solutions will be identified for a small-scale system based on farm collaboration and a centralized facility. The potential for using grass-clover mixture is investigated and the storage stability of the forage fractions is studied. In addition, business cases and location alternatives are identified. The project is carried out by RISE together with Lantmännen and VGR, the Västragötaland region, and their pilot plant for protein extraction from forage.

RISE- report


Project name

Forage based products



RISE role in project


Project start


3,5 years

Total budget

3,4 MSEK


VGR, Västragötalandsregionen, Lantmännen, Hilmér Lantbruk AB


Stiftelsen JTI

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Carina Gunnarsson

Contact person

Carina Gunnarsson


+46 10 516 69 32

Read more about Carina

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