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Photo: Pierre Olsson, DBSchenker

National R&D Program High Capacity Transport (HCT)

RISE coordinated the work packages: Access and Control & Logistics and Systemeffects within the national R&D program for High Capacity Land Transport.

The goal of the Research and Development (R&D) program was to be able to propose a regulatory framework that makes it possible to introduce longer and heavier vehicles on parts of the Swedish road network. The definition of HCT is that there are longer and / or heavier vehicle trains than the current regulations allow.

For the management of the program, there are a steering group that had four meetings per year where those responsible for each work package and other parties in CLOSER participate. There are 10 different work packages that are coordinated by different parties:

  • Infrastructure (Swedish Transport Administration)
  • A single set of regulations (Swedish Transport Agency)
  • Traffic Safety (VTI / SAFER)
  • Performed Based Standards (VTI)
  • International cooperation (CLOSER)
  • Follow-up research (KTH)
  • Access and monitoring (RISE)
  • Logistics and system effects (RISE)
  • Type vehicles (Volvo / Scania)
  • Demonstrators (Skogforsk)

In RISE's assignments regarded work package Access and monitoring, the goal was that with the help of data, for example from the IT systems used by connected vehicles, optimize the use of the infrastructure also known as "Intelligent access". The R&I assignment included: to report on steering group meetings at what had happened in the area (external monitoring), produce proposals for research assignments that need to be carried out, writing text for the HCT annual report and participating in conferences and presented papers.

The assignment also includeded, together with the program manager for HCT, responsibility for international contacts and coordinating with related work packages within the HCT program as well as related programs such as the Geofencing program. The client for the assignment is the Swedish Transport Administration and RISE has also engaged Wandel Consulting as a sub-consultant during this period. The work has bees divided between these parties in close collaboration with the client.


Project name

HCT - WP Access and control & Logistics



RISE role in project

Coordinates work packages Access control and Logistics, participates in national steering group

Project start


5 år

Total budget

1 450 000


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities

Our offer

Maritime logistics
Sara Ranäng

Contact person

Sara Ranäng


+46 10 228 45 89

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