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Accessibility review

Accessibility means that all users, with or without disabilities, should be able to access and easily use what you are developing. Without thoughtful design choices, there is a risk of inadvertently excluding people from being able to use a product or service. We help you create accessible design for an inclusive and socially sustainable society. 


Using the variation of different people's abilities as a starting point, accessibility helps to include as many users as possible. There are currently EU requirements stating that public authorities' websites, apps and documents must be accessible. Additionally, by 2025 all EU countries must also have legislated that certain products and services within the private sector must be accessible. Through accessibility, competitive products and services are created that are easy to use for all user groups. 


We continuously work to create accessible physical and digital environments, products and services. An essential aspect of the work is to include the needs of the user. We do this, among other ways, through interviews, user tests, expert evaluations and workshops, some of which we conduct in the high-tech UX lab. Our methods are well-tested and developed to create a deep understanding of users and their needs. 

We also follow principles for universal design to create environments, products and services that as many people as possible can access and use. Furthermore, we adhere to standards, such as the European standard for digital accessibility, EN 301 549, the Swedish DOS law and WCAG 2.1 which describe guidelines for creating accessible digital products. We base our expert evaluations on these. 

What we do:

  • Evaluation of websites, apps, web content, pdfs and documents in accordance with legal requirements and standards 
  • Evaluations through the involvement of the target group, user testing and expert evaluations 
  • Provide advice and support in design processes, including requirement specification and needs analysis 
  • Create design proposals 
  • Education in accessibility 


Based on our conclusions from reviews, evaluations and analysis, we can deliver a summary to you, with recommendations on how your particular product can be improved and fulfill any legal requirements. This can be a valuable contribution to your future design decisions and further product development. 

High-quality video recordings of user tests in our UX lab coupled with clear summaries can also be delivered. This can provide additional valuable understanding and insight for further development, communication and presentation of your product or service. 

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Accessibility review


EN 301 549 - Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services



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Amanda Johnson

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Amanda Johnson


+46 73 052 25 48

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Lisa Jonsson

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Lisa Jonsson


+46 10 228 41 69

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