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Analysis of CO2 purity

CO2 emissions and rest flow from many industries can be used for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), in the food industry (beverage and food), and for sustainable production of chemicals and fuels. But for all these applications, CO2 purity is very important. Several specifications exist depending on the applications.


Our analyses are very flexible and adapted to each client

We can analyze carbon dioxide (CO2) with regards to carbon monoxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide,  total S, ammonia, water, NOx, total hydrocarbons, benzene, and glycols ...

We also can help with sampling onsite

We analyse the CO2 (many parameters) according to different specifications; for example ISBT and EIGA 70/17, ISO 27913 (pipelines transportation)


Our analyses are performed in our laboratory in Göteborg using various instruments such as GC/TCD, GC/FID, GC/MS, Proceas. 

The work include both accredited and non-accredited testing methods. The scope of accreditation is available upon request – please feel free to contact us for more information.


The results are first sent per mail as a preliminary report. After agreement, the final report is also sent per mail.


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Analysis of CO2 purity (composition) for CCS and CCUS applications

Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited

Field measurements



EIGA 70-17


ISO/TR27291:2020 and ISO 27913


Price on tender

Delivery time

Ca 2-5 days

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy

Contact person

Karine Arrhenius


+46 70 567 57 28

Read more about Karine

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Contact person

Sandra Hultmark


+46 10 516 56 62

Read more about Sandra

Contact Sandra
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