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Efficient Evaluation of Antifoam Solutions in the Process Industry

By utilizing the customer's filtrate or other process fluids, we can efficiently evaluate various antifoam solutions without the need for extensive and costly full-scale trials.


By providing customized tests, we can assess how well different antifoam solutions perform in the customer's specific process environment without the need for extensive investments or disruption to the existing production process.

These evaluations allow us to identify and recommend the most effective antifoam solutions that meet the customer's needs and process requirements. By conducting tests using the customer's own fluids, we can ensure that the results are relevant and applicable to their operations.

By avoiding the need for full-scale trials, we can save both time and resources for our customers while guaranteeing that they receive high-quality and cost-effective antifoam solutions. This empowers our customers to make informed decisions about antifoaming in their production processes and ensures smooth and efficient operations.

In the process industry, both process chemistry and raw materials vary, meaning that an antifoam that is effective in one system may be ineffective in another. Therefore, each system requires individual optimization based on its specific conditions and requirements.

For paper mills and other industries, it is common to have an established supplier of antifoam, and changing suppliers often involves extensive analysis and testing. Reasons for considering a change may vary, such as the possibility of a more efficient or cost-effective product, issues with foam that the current product cannot handle, or the current product requiring excessively high and costly dosage levels.

By analyzing the current process filtrates, we can determine the causes of complex foaming issues and identify suitable solutions. It is also possible to evaluate different antifoams and study the behavior of silicone in antifoams. It is important that the silicone does not adhere or clump with resins and other contaminants, which can lead to production issues in both paper mills and printing facilities. Having a thorough understanding of these processes is crucial to ensuring smooth and efficient operations.


Foam Tester




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Efficient Evaluation of Antifoam Solutions in the Process Industry


Price on tender

Delivery time

Analysis results are delivered by e-mail, normally within 15 working days of the samples arriving to us. With reservation for samples that require special treatment. Express analyzes can be obtained at a surcharge by agreement.

Lars Sundvall

Contact person

Lars Sundvall

Gruppchef Cellulosateknologi

+46 70 526 52 21

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