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Independent review of the sustainability statement application

We will assist you in carrying out an independent review of your application for a sustainability opinion. The application can be for a new sustainability certificate, a sustainability certificate for a limited period or a review of a sustainability certificate.

Why apply for a sustainability certificate

 The sustainability criteria require that biofuels lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, that feedstocks fulfil soil criteria and that fuels are traceable to their origin. All installations that are part of the EU ETS and burn biofuels must have a sustainability certificate to demonstrate compliance with the criteria. In order for the emissions from the biofuel to be counted as biogenic, the sustainability certificate needs to be presented during the verification of the annual emissions reporting  

Review process

Once we receive your order, one of our experienced auditors will contact you. A risk-based plan is drawn up for the assignment and the audit is usually carried out remotely. We review your application to the Swedish Energy Agency, the control system, and the necessary documentation. The review is carried out in accordance with the Act (2010:598) on sustainability criteria for biofuels and biofuels, Ordinance (2011:1088) on sustainability criteria for biofuels and biofuels, Regulations on sustainability criteria for biofuels and biofuels (STEMFS 2021:7).


Once the independent review is complete, you will receive the report, the reviewer's opinion, and a certificate of the reviewer's independence and competence. This documentation must then be attached to your application to the Swedish Energy Agency.  

More information


Independent review of the sustainability statement application


Management Systems Certification

Delivery level



Price on tender


You need to have your control system ready, as well as a draft of the application to the Swedish Energy Agency.


Contact person

Edin Catovic


+46 10 516 56 59

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Christer Nilsson

Contact person

Christer Nilsson


+46 10 516 63 43

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