Edin Catovic Certifieringsingenjör/Försäljning Tel +46 10 516 56 59 Email edin.catovic@ri.se Location Borås Ask me about Ask me about Service Certification of Information Security Management Systems - ISO 27001 Information is an organization's most important asset and must be managed systematically and responsibly. It exists in documents, databases, employees, routines, design documentation, and products. By implementing the ISO 27001 st… Service Independent review of the sustainability statement application We will assist you in carrying out an independent review of your application for a sustainability opinion. The application can be for a new sustainability certificate, a sustainability certificate for a limited period or a review … Service Certification of management systems Universel Design for All- EN 17161 The Universal Design standard helps organisations design products, services or environments so that as many people as possible can use them, regardless of their disability Service Certification of Food Safety Management Systems - ISO 22000 "A certified food safety management system according to ISO 22000 helps organizations identify and control food safety risks in their production. This can apply to the production of food and packaging, as well as transportation, w…