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Testing and certification of charging stations

The sale of electric vehicles is on the rise, and the transportation industry is facing a major electrification. This requires accessible, safe, and reliable charging infrastructure with charging stations and charge points. We have extensive expertise in testing and certification and can assist you with all existing and upcoming standards.


What can we do for you?

We offer a broad range of services for testing and certification of charging stations and other charging infrastructure. With our collective expertise in electrical safety, environmental durability, EMC, radio, electrical measurement, cybersecurity, and functional safety, we help you ensure that your products meet existing and upcoming standards and other safety and quality requirements. 

We advise you on how requirements should be applied and how to prepare your operations and products for future regulations in areas such as electrical measurement and cybersecurity, so you can stay ahead. Naturally, our solutions are flexible to suit your specific needs.

Evaluation of cybersecurity and functional safety

RISE conducts accredited testing and evaluation of cybersecurity for charging stations and public charging points.

Cybersecurity testing is performed according to relevant standards, such as:

  • ETSI 303645
  • SS-EN IEC 62443-4-2
  • EN 18031-1, -2, -3

We also offer penetration testing of charging stations, where an ethical hacker attempts to breach the system and, based on identified vulnerabilities, produces a report.

For functional safety, we perform accredited evaluations and risk analyses according to IEC 61508.

Cybersecurity is characterized by rapid development, which also applies to regulations. The Radio Equipment Directive and the upcoming Cyber Resilience Act impose new cybersecurity requirements. RISE’s expertise and experience help you stay up to date with the latest legal requirements. Together, we can find the best solution for your specific needs.


Evaluation according to standards is conducted under accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 in our laboratories in Borås.


The results of our evaluation are compiled into an accredited report.

Test of electricity meters for

We offer testing and certification of electric meters in charging stations according to Swedish and international standards. 

RISE is accredited for testing electric meters and certification to meet the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID). We are a notified body for MID and can issue approvals for the entire EU. Testing and certification can be performed for the electric meter module in AC charging stations according to MID. Charging stations are not yet covered by MID, but there is an ongoing process to implement them in the directive.


The test is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 and performed in our labs in Borås.


Accredited test report and MID-certificate

EMC and radio communication: testing and certification for CE- marking

We conduct accredited EMC and radio testing of AC charging stations to comply with the EMC Directive and the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), where we are also a notified body. 

EMC testing is performed according to IEC 61851-21-2. 

Radio testing is conducted according to relevant ETSI standards, for example:

  • ETSI EN 300 328
  • ETSI EN 300 330
  • ETSI EN 301 908 

RISE is a Telecommunications certified body for the FCC and has access to FCC- and ISED-recognized testing labs in the USA and Canada. Through partners, we offer services for Global Market Access (GMA).


The test is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 and performed in our labs in Borås.


RISE delivers an accredited test report, which can be used as the basis for certification.

Electrical safety and environmental durability testing

In electrical safety and environmental durability testing, we ensure that the charging station is safe from electric shock and fire. We assist with:

  • Accredited electrical safety testing of AC charging stations to meet the Low Voltage Directive (LVD).
  • Testing according to SS-EN IEC 61851-1 Electric Vehicle - Conductive Charging (harmonized standard under LVD). The manufacturer certifies compliance with the directive through self-declaration.
  • Environmental durability and IP testing according to generic standards as a complement for protection against heat, cold, moisture, water, and dust, as well as shocks and vibrations (partially included in SS-EN IEC 61851-1).


The tests are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025.


RISE delivers an accredited test report, which can form the basis of the certification of compliance with the directive by self-declaration.


Accredited testing and evaluation.


Accredited report. Certificate if relevant.

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Testing and certification of charging stations


Product certification

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Cyber security and functional security

ETSI 303645, SS-EN IEC 62443-4-2, EN 18031-1,-2,-3, IEC 61508

Electricity meters: testing and certification


EMC and radio communication: testing and certification 

IEC 61851-21-2, ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 300 330, ETSI EN 301 908, 

Electrical safety and environmental durability

SS-EN 61851-1


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More information

Product information (pdf, 350.26 KB)

Anders Nilsson

Contact person

Anders Nilsson


+46 10 516 54 36

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Contact person

Tommi Anttila


+46 10 516 55 95

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