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Testing of insulating glass units

RISE has extensive experience in the testing of insulating glass for P and CE marking. The test includes resistance to moisture ingress and measurement of gas content. We also carry out damage investigations on insulating windows of various kinds. Examples of properties that can be examined are gas content, contamination and condensation problems within cavities.



RISE offers P-marking in the area of insulation glazing. Type tests are carried out according to Standard EN 1279-2.

RISE can also be helpful in the self-monitoring of the card IDs in accordance with EN 1279-6. RISE also performs damage investigations of various types on damages.

RISE has equipment for non-destructive measurement of insulating gas contents for both 2-glass and 3-glass constructions.

In addition to the possibility of P-marking insulating glass units, we also offer tests according to EN 1279-2, and -6.

With our long-standing experience in this field and access to a variety of cutting-edge expertise within the organization, we are a natural partner in investigations that are linked to various kinds of problems that may arise with insulating glass units, such as condensation problems, problems with gas filling concentrations, contaminations or emissions that can cause undesirable defects on insulating glass units, both directly on the surface of the glass as well as cavities between the glass.



The following tests can be provided:

  • Testing for moisture penetration - Short-term testing according to EN 1279-6, Annex B4.
  • Testing for moisture penetration - Water vapor penetration according to SP method 254.
  • Testing gas concentration – The gas concentration according to SP method 3949.
  • Non-destructive testing of gas filling level in insulating glass of 2-glass and 3-glass constructions.

We also carry out investigations of various kinds on insulating glass units with errors.


The test is reported in a written report

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Insulating glass units - Testing, injury investigations, education, certification, research and innovation.

Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited


EN 1279-2

EN 1279-6, Annex B4.

SP-metod 254.

SP-metod 3949.


Price on tender

Delivery time

Leave on request for quotation


No preparation needed

Börje Gustavsson

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Börje Gustavsson


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Thomas Henderson


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