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FIRE21 - Research 2022 - Sweden

FIRE21 is a four-year-long project that investigates problem-solving in the Fire and Rescue services in the 21st century. Work package 2 is researching network-based problem-solving in the Fire and Rescue services.

Problem-solving networks in Sweden

Fire and rescue service organizations are designed to solve complex problems during incident response. Most problems that need to be solved during extreme events cannot be solved without collaboration. The horizontal relationships that emerge to solve ever-evolving problems during incident response are what we call problem-solving networks (PSN).

The research in 2022

During 2022, the project FIRE 21 collected data to better understand how PSNs are developed and work during crises. Around 30 people from both small and large fire and rescue services in Sweden have been interviewed. We have also conducted interviews with other organizations that have been part of different emergency responses.

Data analysis gives observations

The data is now analyzed, but some early observations can already be made:  

  • Informal contacts are important to be able to solve complex problems at the scene of an accident. It seems informal contacts often arise from formal contexts. It is therefore important to build professional networks and to participate in various formal collaboration forums.
  • One of the most important issues for effective problem-solving is that nodes in the PSN understand each other and that the same language is spoken. This emphasizes the importance of continuous networking and common professional terminology.
  • A PSN including people with different knowledge backgrounds seems important to be able to identify and solve the right problem.
  • Local knowledge is important for effective problem-solving and PSNs should be designed in a way where local knowledge can be utilized.
  • A PSN includes not only the people involved but also the technical aids at hand. These aids will change the way networks are formed and developed.
  • Trust is important in problem-solving. This covers trust in other people, other organizations, and the technical aids you are meant to use.   

The next step of the research

In 2023, FIRE21 will continue to analyze how these networks work in both theory and practice. The results will be presented in seminars as well as in scientific publications and journals for practitioners.

To FIRE21 start page

Contact person

Tove Mallin


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Contact person

Kerstin Eriksson


+46 10 516 52 46

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