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Research 2023 - WP4

Here is a presentation of the research in work package 4 of project FIRE21. In 2023, the research has gained some insights into collective problem-solving.

Summary of WP4 during 2023 

In 2023, WP4 interviewed university researchers who are knowledgeable of problem-solving in different domains. The researchers contributed with both their own knowledge of important individual qualities for collective problem-solving and with relevant literature. 

The importance of understanding different perspectives

When the interview study was finalised, the findings were summarised in a report for future project delivery. The findings highlight the importance of understanding different perspectives in a response situation. This includes aspects such as being able to communicate one's perspective, see others' perspectives and show willingness to adapt according to input from these perspectives. 

Understanding of perspectives – a way of thinking

The quality "understanding of perspectives" is considered an important way of thinking in the Swedish crisis management framework, "Common guidelines for collaboration and command". Our study further acknowledges this view and strengthens the evidence that this is a crucial quality in response operations. However, the finding needs further investigation in Norway and Denmark to identify similarities or differences.  

Further research in 2024

 In 2024, WP4 will continue to investigate the meaning of "understanding of different perspectives" in more detail. We will look for literature that explains the quality and how this can be tested. We will also conduct workshops with Fire and Rescue service professionals in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 

Will identify other qualities

In addition to exploring the importance of understanding perspectives, we will continue to identify other potential qualities that could be important for collective problem-solving from professionals. This is to foster a more holistic understanding of what qualitities are considered important in the three countries.

Author: Tove Frykmer
December 2023

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