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ISTSS Submission process and author instructions

ISTSS Submission process and author instructions

We look forward to meeting you at the 11th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS 2025) during 9-11 April 2025 in Reykjavik, Iceland, and we warmly welcome you to submit a paper or poster for presentation. RISE will host ISTSS 2025 and FIVE (Fires in Vehicles) during the same week (7-11 April, 2025). Read more about FIVE here

The language of the symposium is English. ISTSS has cooperation with the scientific journal Fire Safety Journal and selected papers will be suggested to be included in a special issue. Important dates can be found at the bottom of this webpage and also through the link on the right side. 

One author per accepted full paper or poster can register at a reduced fee as ‘Speaker’ delegate. 

Abstract submission

For both papers and posters, an extended abstract should be submitted through the submission portal (Click the link below):

Upload your abstract here

The extended abstract should deal with issues related to tunnel safety and security (e.g., fire, explosion, ventilation, evacuation, suppression, fire and rescue service, security, risk and emergency management, design, operation, renovation and rehabilitation of tunnels and other underground spaces), and belong to either:

  •  Research work, or
  •  Engineering applications or others (e.g., case studies, safety design concepts)

Please indicate which of the above two categories your work addresses in the extended abstract (see template). The Sample abstract template should be followed. Specifically, all submissions should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format, typed single-spaced on A4 white paper with 25 mm margins, and should contain the following details: Title, Authors, Affiliation/Organization of the Authors, Informative content. The extended abstract should be at least 1 full page, but not more than 2 pages. Templates can be found at the bottom of this webpage. 

The extended abstracts will be reviewed by members of the ISTSS Scientific Committee based on the quality and suitability for inclusion in the program. 

Acceptance for paper presentation

Successful authors will be sent full instructions on formatting and submission of their papers in conjunction with confirmation. When writing the paper, the ISTSS paper template should be followed. The full paper should have a maximum of 16 pages (single sided) in length in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format., with one-column format and 11 pt text. Papers that are submitted after the deadline may not be considered.

Before final acceptance of the paper, it will be reviewed by the ISTSS Scientific Committee and authors may be asked to include missing information, further explanation, or editorial corrections. Papers that are submitted after the deadline may not be accepted.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium. Presentations at the symposium should be in MS Power Point and no longer than 15 minutes long so that some time is allowed for questions. The PC used for presenting will have its screen mirrored. For those who prefer presenter mode, it is now possible to switch to presenter mode while presenting in Microsoft Power Point. Widescreen (16:9) format projectors will be used at ISTSS.

One paper will receive the ISTSS Best Paper Award. 

Acceptance for poster presentation

An extended poster abstract (maximum 2 pages) will be included in the proceedings of the symposium. When preparing it, the ISTSS poster abstract template should be used. Successful authors will be sent full instructions on formatting and submission of their extended poster abstract in conjunction with confirmation.

A poster is a visual presentation of your work which will be on display throughout the symposium. The poster size should be A0 (Portrait). You should bring the printed poster and mount it on boards provided at the venue at the start of the symposium. 

There will be a special Poster Session during the symposium where you are asked to be “in residence” at the poster site to present your work to delegates and answer questions. The poster session starts with a Speakers Corner in the main room where each poster presentor has 1-2 minutes to explain what the poster is about. For this purpose, please send us an Electronic version of your poster in advance to the Secretariat by email ( 

One poster will receive the ISTSS Best Poster Award. 

Important dates

Important dates for the paper submission process:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 1 September 2024
  • Acceptance for paper submission: 15 October 2024
  • Full paper submission deadline: 15 December 2024
  • Paper review feedback: 3 February 2025
  • Final paper submission deadline: 3 March 2025

Important dates for the poster submission process:

  • Poster submission deadline: 15 December 2024
  • Decision for poster acceptance: 3 February 2025
  • Final abstract submission deadline: 3 March 2025

Special Issue in Fire Safety Journal (FSJ)

Since 2016, ISTSS has been collaborating with the Fire Safety Journal (FSJ) for publishing special issues on tunnel fire safety. Fire Safety Journal is the leading publication dealing with all aspects of fire safety engineering. It is also the official journal of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS).

Based on scientific and technical quality, papers from the ISTSS proceeding are selected for peer review after the symposium. Selected Papers from the 7th, 8th, and 9th ISTSS symposiums have been published in special issues of Fire Safety Journal. Review process of selected papers from the 10th ISTSS is currently ongoing and some have already been accepted. Note that immediately after acceptance, the papers will be included in a regular journal issue, and they will only be virtually linked to each other on website to form a Virtual Special Issue (VSI). VSI is an online-only grouping of Special Issue articles traditionally assigned to a single Special Issue.

Dr. Ying Zhen Li and Prof. Haukur Ingason are the FISJ guest editors managing the special issue, including the review processes.

Submissions of papers of high scientific and technical quality are warmly welcomed.

Ying Zhen Li

Contact person

Ying Zhen Li

Senior research scientist

+46 10 516 58 29

Read more about Ying Zhen

Contact Ying Zhen
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