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International symposium on tunnel safety and security (ISTSS)

The 11th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security ISTSS 2025 will be held April 9 - 11, 2025, in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Since 2023, RISE host ISTSS in conjunction with the International Conference on Fire in Vehicles (FIVE). Read more about FIVE here.

Welcome to ISTSS - one of the premier conferences in the world for safety and security in tunnels and other underground facilities. Tunnels, garages, subways and mines are increasingly important parts of the societal infrastructure worldwide. In addition, new energy carriers pose new safety and security challenges in underground spaces, adding also explosion to the risk picture. At the same time, digitization offers new opportunities for innovation. ISTSS brings together experts working on safety, fire, security, transport, risk management, emergency management, design, operation and research in underground spaces for 3 days of presentations and exhibits. 

Stay updated by subcribing to the ISTSS newsletter.

Contact person

Anders Lönnermark


+46 10 516 56 91

Read more about Anders

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