Preliminary Programme 2025
For the upcoming ISTSS conference, you will be engaged in the latest developments on tunnel safety and security, including alternative fuel vehicle safety, fire and explosion hazards, fire suppression, evacuation, fire dynamics, ventilation, risk and emergency management.
Day 0 - April 8
15.00 Icelandic volcanoes. Joint technical visit together with FIVE (starts in main hall)
Take a look at the preliminary ISTSS program below!
Day 1 - April 9
08:00 Registration
09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:30 Keynote Session
Road map of tunnel fire research
Haukur Ingason, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Explosion hazards of vehicles with new energy carriers in tunnels and underground spaces
Jennifer Wen, University of Surrey, UK
Coffee Break
Fire Dynamics Session
Numerical study of the influence of wind on the smoke spread between underpasses
Matteo Pachera, Sweco, Belgium
An improved model of smoke layer thickness in naturally ventilated tunnel fires considering the effects of aspect ratio
Liliang Yang1, Mingjian Yin2, Chuangang Fan3, Jianda Xu4, Ke Wu1 & Tianhang Zhang1
1Research Center for Urban Fire Safety Engineering, China
2College of Energy, Environment and Safety Engineering, China
3School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, China
4Zhejiang Communications Investment Expressway Operation Management Co.Ltd.
Study on the indoor-outdoor temperature difference-induced smoke re-stratification in naturally ventilated tunnel fires
Jiangdong Li1,2, Ke Wu1,2, Tianhang Zhang1,2 & Lizhong Wang1
1Key Laboratory of Offshore Geotechnics and Material of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, China
2Research Center for Urban Fire Safety Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
Vehicles impact on smoke stratification
Benjamin TRUCHOT & Thierry DURUSSEL
Ineris, France
Fixed Fire Fighting Systems Session
Laboratory Scale Tests Investigating Fixed Fire Fighting Systems and Emergency Ventilation Interaction for Highway Tunnels
Matt Bilson1, Hasan Raza1, Alexander Schmidt2 & Max Lakkonen2
2IFAB, Germany
Key findings from a project on water-based fixed fire fighting systems in tunnels
Ying Zhen Li, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Comparison of Fixed Water-Based Fire-fighting Systems for Road Tunnel Application
M.K Cheong, L.W Lim, C Tan, A Chong, H Wijaya, M Thong, K.W Leong
Land Transport Authority of Singapore, Singapore
Coffee Break
Alternative Fuel Vehicles Session
Preventing and managing NEC incidents in tunnels:
Safety concepts
Christophe Willmann1, Pascal Blanc, Laurence Champin, Jean Marc Couvert, Yves Fleurial, David Giuliani, Daniel Lamarche, Christophe Lemierre, Olivier Peronne, Christophe Banos1 & Antoine Mos1
1CETU, France
Explosion consequences in a tunnel: Experimental evaluation of hydrogen leaks
Benjamin TRUCHOT1 & Jerome DAUBECH1,2
1Ineris, France
2Sorbonne Universités, France
In-Tunnel LIB Cargo Fire Emergency and Impacts on Tunnel Operational Capability
Adam Wood, Miguel Angel Fuentes & Sohail Alizadeh
Mott MacDonald, UK
17:00 Poster Session & Cocktail Reception
Day 2 - April 10
08:00 Registration
08:30 Keynote & Evacuation Session
Evacuation and human behaviours in tunnel fires
Håkan Frantzich, Lund University, Sweden.
Flame behaviors and smoke transport in urban road tunnel fires under natural ventilation conditions
Jie Ji, University of Science & Technology of China, China
Numerical investigation of the effects of ventilation on the tenability of egress paths in a metro tunnel fire
Ting-Hsuan Liao & Ricky Carvel
Edinburgh Fire Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK
Ventilation and Fire Life Safety upgrades to an existing rail tunnel facility considering modern requirements
Jeffrey Bott, Jackie Chen, Kevin Ficarra, Igor Maevski, & Andrew Page
Jacobs, USA
Coffee Break
Evacuation (Parallel Session 1)
Disposal of Emergency Telephones in Swedish Railway Tunnels: Practical application of the CSM RA-regulation
Karl Fridolf1 & Johan Lundin2
1The Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden
2Brandskyddslaget AB, Sweden
Safety Enhancement by Introduction of Evacuation Assisting Light for Long Distance Road Tunnel Fires
Yuika Sakamoto1, Shoichi Kume1, Yudai Matsunaga2 & Tomoki Kikumoto3
1Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, Japan
2Hanshin Expressway R&D Company Limited, Japan
3Techno Hanshin Company Limited, Japan
Tunnel safety, requirements for self-rescue and evacuation - the (mis)use of traffic volume to define the level of safety
Pål Andreas Dahl, COWI AS, Norway
A modified approach to walking speed within smoke-filled rail tunnels
Emil Persson, Niclas Åhnberg & Santiago Nordlund Gendra
Brandskyddslaget AB, Sweden
Ventilation (Parallel Session 2)
Cross River Rail – Innovations in Metro Tunnel Ventilation and Fire Life Safety
Nick Agnew, Michael Meissner, & Ben Tuckwell
Stacey Agnew Pty Ltd, Australia
Study on fire smoke control ventilation at tunnel portal in railway tunnel groups affected by canyon wind
CHEN Xin, YU Li*, HUO Jianxun, GUO Xiaohan, WANG Mingnian
Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Smoke Management, Differential Pressures on Egress Doors and Controls during Fire Evacuation in Metros
Evangelos Krokos & Marios Kalyvas
Mott MacDonald, Australia
Tunnel Ventilation in India: State-of-the-Art and Evolution
Ravi Shankar1 & Marco Bettelini2
1Amberg Engineering AG, India
2Amberg Engineering AG, Switzerland
Fire Dynamics (Parallel Session 1)
Experimental study on smoke temperature and carbon monoxide diffusion of channel fires under the synergistic action of air curtain and lateral centralized smoke exhaust
Xinyang Fan, Fei Tang, Xinyu Peng, Nannan Zhu, Xiaolei Zhang, Longhua Hu
State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, China
A parametric study of fire conditions in naturally ventilated road tunnels
Imad Obadi & George Hadjisophocleous
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Canada
Comparison of Ansys Fluent and FDS for modelling smoke movement in tunnel fire scenarios
Colin Jaffray1, Adrian Milford2, Conor Fleming1
1Mott MacDonald, Canada
2Arcadis, Canada
Impact of external wind with upward and downward angles on smoke layer development in tunnel fires
Tzu-Yan Tseng & Kuang-Chung Tsai*
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Engineering Case Studies (Parallel Session 2)
When is a Tunnel a Tunnel?
Salvatore Marsico, Luis Robles & Alexa Laszlo
Use of a Risk Model to Evaluate Tunnel Safety Features
Sigurjon Ingolfsson, Peter Woodburn, Frederik Møller Paulsen & Rory Turnbull
COWI Arup Joint Venture, Denmark
Reykjavik's Sæbraut Road Tunnel: Balancing Development and Safety
Böðvar Tómasson1, Johan Lundin2, Erik Hall Midholm2 & Birgir Þór Guðbrandsson1
1ÖRUGG verkfræðistofa, Iceland
2Brandskyddslaget AB, Sweden
The Ferney Cut-and-cover: a project with several specific challenges
Raphaël Defert, Justine Vivien & Christophe Zing
WSP Ingénieurs Conseils SA, Switzerland
Coffee Break
Risk Management (Parallel Session 1)
Managing Disaster Risks in Underground Transportation Infrastructure - A Comprehensive Analysis of Safety Targets and Practices
Johan Lundin, Brandskyddslaget AB, Sweden
Using Deep Learning to Predict Traffic Dynamics in Road Tunnels
Naeem Khademi, Vinothini Aravindan, Parvathy Anil Kumar & Erlend Tøssebro
University of Stavanger, Norway
South Korean Case-Study of the QRA Approach to Road Tunnel Fire Safety
Kye-Won Park1, Yong-Ho Yoo2
1KFPA Korean Fire Protection Association, South Korea
2KICT Korean Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, South Korea
Emergency Management (Parallel Session 2)
Dutch road tunnel firefighting in the future: outlook from a Dutch fire fighter’s perspective
Nils Rosmuller & Arjen van Barreveld
NIPV Netherlands Institute for Public Safety, The Netherlands
What fire modelling resolution is needed in AI training data for smart firefighting in tunnels?
José A. Morales Mere, Nils Johansson & Enrico Ronchi
Lund University, Sweden
Gary English CEO (Seattle Fire Deputy Chief, ret.) Underground Command and Safety, USA
19:00 Banquet
Day 3 - April 11
08:00 Registration
08:30 Keynote & Risk Session
Engineering practice of tunnel fire safety
Igor Maevski, Jacob, USA
Structural safety in tunnel fires
Daniel Joyeux, Efectis Group, France
The Importance of Human Factors in Emergency: Learning from Past Disasters
Iain Bowman, Mott MacDonald, UK
Evolution of a risk indexing method for evaluating safety in Swedish railway tunnels
Håkan Frantzich1 & Karl Fridolf2
1Lund University, Sweden
2The Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden
Coffee Break
Engineering Case Studies Session
Rehabilitation of Fire Life Safety Systems for Existing Tunnels
Robert Faddoul, Yuan Li, Igor Maevski, James Fiscella & Sharanya Nair
Jacobs, USA
Mathias Vångö, Sarah Feher, Suresh Nambully, Matteo D’Elia & Rainer Rothbauer
Convergent Science GmbH, Austria
Examining tunnel safety features in sustainability-led design
Sigurjon Ingolfsson1, Peter Woodburn1, Sven Valdemar Sørensen1, Fabiano Scarbi1, Bryan Tamakloe2 & Simone Curletto2
1COWI Arup Joint Venture, Denmark
2Metroselskabet, Denmark
Implications of Peak Heat Release Rate to Optimize Metro Tunnel Ventilation Systems
Robert Till1, Argun Bagis2 & Bruce Dandie3
1John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), USA
2Arup, Australia
3RRT Pty Ltd, Australia
Pannel Discussion and Symposium Closure
14:30 End of Conference