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Military Area in Kuopio, Finland

Challenge: Provide an overall idea for the future use of the military area and provide more detailed description for reuse of 1-3 buildings in line with the overall idea.

Presentation of the military area in Kuopio.

The goal is to find such uses for the buildings in the area that it is profitable to repair them for the activities to be located there. Free rein is given for devising uses (housing, business activities, cultural use, etc.), but the goal is that the public nature of the area as well as the cultural and historical value of the buildings and the area are preserved. 

Teams are expected to provide an overall idea for the future use of the area. The individual uses of the buildings can differ from one another, but the goal is that the new uses form a cohesive whole that preserves the unity of the area and does not divide it into parts. In addition to the overall ideation of the area, teams are hoping to provide more detailed description for reuse of 1-3 buildings.

Teams may also propose moderate new construction for the area. In this case, it is important to consider what is the appropriate amount and scale of infill development, and how new architecture can be integrated with the old. What remains between the buildings is also significant for the overall area, meaning how the park-like environment can be utilized for various activities.


City of Kuopio


Tulliportinkatu 37, 70110 Kuopio, Finland. 
Link to Google Maps:

Site description

The competition area is part of the former Kuopio barracks area. There are 10 buildings located in the competition area, of which the wooden buildings (8 pcs) were completed in 1881 and the brick buildings (2 pcs) between 1914 and 1916. The military use of the area ended in 1963, and the city acquired ownership of the area in 1972. Since then, the buildings have served as municipal premises for various types of activities, including office and daycare facilities. 

The condition of the buildings varies; some of the buildings have been renovated and are in use, but others are in poor condition and have indoor air quality problems. For this reason, some of the buildings are currently empty or underutilized. Building D houses a war veteran museum, and its activities will continue in the future. Building J is a cold storage building. It is possible to devise new uses for the other buildings in the area. The total floor area of the buildings in the area is about 4,400 m². The area is centrally located in the urban structure and is easily accessible. 

The competition area is in the central area of Kuopio and is part of the national urban park that runs through the city. The area's green courtyards and the abundant trees of Kasarmi Park give the area a park-like appearance.

Near the area, there are office buildings (the council house, police, and courthouse), residential buildings to the south, and a community college as well as a swimming and ice hall to the north. The area is traversed by paths for light traffic, and there is a lot of movement in the area by pedestrians and cyclists. Parking is available on the southern edge of the area along the driveways and in a parking area to the east.

The cultural and social value of the site and historic use

The Kuopio barracks area (a broader entity than the competition area) was primarily developed in two phases. The barracks area for Finland's 5th Sharpshooter Battalion in Kuopio was implemented according to the standard drawings of architect August Boman. The oldest wooden barracks were completed in 1881. Of the 33 buildings constructed at that time, 8 remain. The construction of the barracks area continued with red brick barracks between 1914-16.
Most of the buildings in the competition area were originally residences for officers and commanders (A, B, C, E, F, G, H). Building D was the main guardhouse, and building I was the officers' club. The military use of the area ended in 1963, and the city took ownership in 1972.

The buildings completed in 1881 are single-story, log-frame structures with board cladding. Several stylistic features can be seen in the architecture of the buildings; Classicism, late Empire, and decorative details of the Neo-Renaissance. For the buildings constructed between 1914 and 1916 from brick, the facades feature geometric decorative motifs achieved through three-dimensional brickwork, which are emphasized by the play of light and shadow.

The area is a nationally significant built cultural environment "Kuopio Barracks Area". In the regional plan for the Kuopio area, the barracks area is of national significance. The planning regulation states: In the planning and use of the area or site, the preservation of the cultural environment must be considered, and the preservation of significant cultural values and features must be ensured.

In the general plan for the central urban area of Kuopio, the buildings have been designated with the protection symbol sr-2: A site that is culturally, architecturally, or in terms of cityscape valuable, and at least its most valuable parts must be preserved. Additionally, the competition area (excluding the park-like northern part) has the area symbol sr-4: An area or part of an area where the environment is preserved: The area must be planned so that the valuable features of the environment or milieu are preserved. Special attention must be paid to the adaptation of new construction and modifications to existing buildings to the cityscape or milieu.

In the local detailed plan, the area is designated for public buildings (Y-5), and there is an environmental preservation order (/s): An area where the environment is preserved. The area must be kept park-like. The existing buildings can be renovated and used for purposes suitable to the character of the area. In the current local detailed plan, the buildings do not have separate protection orders, but it is intended that during the amendment of the local detailed plan, the change in use of the area and the protection of buildings through the local detailed plan will be examined.

Drawings and images

Use this link to access drawings and images of the Military area.

Submit your entry

Submit your design proposal for the Military area by emailing your material no later than the 18th of March. The design proposal must fit within and be legible on one (1) A3 sheet. Please write your chosen site in the subject of the email. 

Requested information:

  1. The competition proposal (1 A3) including:

    1. Concept description with accompanying analysis.
    2. Conceptual sketches and diagrams.

    The file should be named with the proposal's motto.

  2. Names of all team members. Write all names in the email and note that all submitted material must be purged of any traceable information about the author or similar details to guarantee complete anonymity. 
  3. Study certification of at least one team member conducting studies in architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, or interior design at a Nordic university or college.
Oskar Riby

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Oskar Riby


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