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Questions & Answers

Questions and answers for the NEB Design Challenge competition are published here.

MEP spaces of Verksgata 54

Question: Is it of value to take existing ventilation shafts and MEP spaces into account?

Answer: No, this is not very important, we can relocate these functions if necessary.

Site definition of Verksgata 54

Question: Is there a defined site for Verksgata 54? Can we assume that minor modifications/additions are allowed in the landscape around the building to create a better entrance situation?

Answer: The site is defined by the outer perimeter of the building wall, but of course, we can make minor adjustments. But we as a building owner cannot do this without involving the municipality.  
NB! The building is located in an area where we have to consider the future rise in sea level, so any adjustments must have a solution to make the building flood-secure.

Type of campus for Gadehavegaard

Question: What type of campus is planned? Primary school, university? Is there any special focus of education, such as Design, Technical…? 

Answer: A partnership agreement has been signed by Høje-Taastrup Kommune (the municipality), Roskilde Tekniske Skole (technical school/high school), Roskilde Universitet (research and makerspace), Høje-Taastrup Gymnasium (high school), FGU-Skolen Øst (practical high school), SOSU H (social and health care) and Københavns Professionshøjskole (education of pedagogues and teachers). So primarily educations from just after primary school, e.g. high school, and professional training.

Number of students on campus in Gadehavegaard

Question: How many students should the campus be designed for? 

Answer: We don’t know the exact number of students yet, but we need 4000 sqm. 

Demolished buildings in Gadehavegaard

Question: Which prerequisites are non-questionable in the material, and which are not? Specifically, should teams assume that half of blocks 9 and 12 will be demolished, or is there a possibility for them to argue that they should be kept?

Answer: Half of building 9 and half of building 12 must be demolished.

Pages for phase two

Question: Shall the A3 from phase one be included in the four possible A3s for phase two?

Answer: You are free to choose how to use the four pages. However, the jury will only evaluate the submitted pages, not taking into account the A3 from phase one.  

Trouble accessing drawings and images

Question: We've tried to access the drawings and images however, we're denied access to the webpage where these files are when trying to log in. What should we do? 

Answer: If you are having trouble accessing drawings and images for the sites try to use this link instead. 
Still can't access the files? Don't hesitate to contact the Competition Official, Oskar Riby

Approved studies

Question: I submitted my thesis last semester but am still enrolled at the university as I am doing an internship this semester. Am I still considered a student?

Answer: Yes. You are considered a student if you have ongoing studies at a Nordic university or college. 
Note that all teams need to submit a study certification of at least one team member conducting studies in architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, or interior design.

How strict are the requirements for keeping contest participation undisclosed for participants?

 Question: As our team generally works in a collaborative environment with other students and educators, it can be hard to keep contest involvement hidden from others during the duration of the competition. Will this cause us to be ineligible for participation?

Answer: It's important to guarantee anonymity for the jury.

We will not be able to monitor all students' communications, but the jury is obliged to state if they have seen a competition entry and can link it to a team or individual student. That entry won’t be able to compete. Please make sure that all submitted material must be purged of any traceable information about the author or similar details to guarantee complete anonymity. 

Oskar Riby

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Oskar Riby


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