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New research project to foster development of logistics system for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Swedish cement industry

28 August 2023, 09:24

New research project to foster development of logistics system for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Swedish cement industry

RISE together with project partner Heidelberg Materials are happy to announce a new project titled “Logistics for Carbon Capture and Storage in the cement industry (LoCCS)”. The project aims to develop a reliable, cost and environmentally efficient logistics system for Carbon, Capture and Storage (CCS) in the Swedish cement industry.

The cement industry in Sweden is facing a major transition to lower its climate footprint, where CCS will play an important role. CCS is a way of reducing carbon emissions, involving capturing the carbon dioxide produced, transporting it, and then storing it deep underground. For the Swedish cement production on Gotland, their location provides opportunities to utilise CO2-transport by ships and new collaboration possibilities around the Baltic Sea region and northern Europe.

"We are delighted for the opportunity to further develop the logistics setup around CCS to achieve efficient CO2 flows from capture to storage", says Per Wide, senior researcher and project manager at RISE.

Understanding the limitations and opportunities different choices within the logistics system provide are important to avoid forced emissions of CO2, or interruptions in cement production due to disruptions in the logistics system.

This project provides a platform for collaboration between actors involved in CCS logistics connected to the Swedish cement industry, such as producers of CO2, intermediate storage provider, transport providers, final storage providers and others in the Baltic Sea region and northern Europe. 

"Increasing the understanding around these actors supports the cement industry in Sweden for important decisions to make an efficient and reliable logistics system for CCS", says Marcus Laurent at Heidelberg Materials.

The project is financed by EU and Tillväxtverket via the national program for “Fonden för en rättvis omställning 2021–2027” and runs from April 2023 until the end March 2026.



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Parts of Heidelberg Materials cement production facility in Slite, Gotland, providing interesting case for CCS logistics via ships. (photo: Vendela Santén)


Media contact:

Vendela Santén, RISE