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Person using VR för training

How can digital solutions be used to facilitate lifelong learning?

In the past, annual internal training was required to maintain skills and further develop employees. That is no longer the reality.  As technology development takes off rapidly, skills provision and lifelong learning have become a necessity – the VIGEO test and demonstration environment at RISE allows the public sector and industry to solve their needs using digital aids. 

Working life has changed. Around 10-15 years ago, to ensure staff competence, it was often enough to have a relevant upper secondary and university education, an introduction for new employees, and then some internal training every year. A workplace or company that nowadays acts in the same way would inexorably fall behind its competitors and also eventually find it difficult to attract the right skills. The reason is digitalisation and the technological shifts that are underway. -

– "It’s like there’s a fire sweeping through some industries due to the skills shortages and the transformation going on. One example is Volvo, which needs to convert 35,000 people from a combustion engine-driven industry to electromobility. Similar things are also happening in other industries," says Björn Flintberg, digital education strategist at RISE. 

Key factors for maintaining competitiveness

Lifelong learning and skills provision have been identified by the government as key factors in maintaining and strengthening Sweden's competitiveness as a technological and industrial nation compared to the outside world. Just as digitalisation affects many industries, the area of skills provision and lifelong learning is also changing. Where digitalisation perhaps used to be an option, it is today more of a necessity, meaning new opportunities such as a broader basis for recruitment and tailor-made training solutions.

This is where RISE can provide valuable expertise through VIGEO, a test and demonstration facility for lifelong learning and competence provision with digital solutions in focus. In addition to premises that are technically adapted for both on-site and remote training, there are also far-reaching plans to set up a VR studio for teaching that can normally only be carried out on site in the factory. 

– "Say you're going to learn how to use a complex machine at a paper mill; normally you have to stand in front of the machine. But if you step into a VR environment where the machine has been created, you can actually undergo basic training and get basic training in how the machine looks and how it works," explains Björn Flintberg. 

You can network and find partners for your development project

Digital matching platform helps companies

Within the framework of VIGEO there are also a number of other projects linked to lifelong learning and skills provision. One of these is the digital matching platform developed to help companies and the public sector find suitable training, and those who can implement them. 

– "For companies that need to develop skills in their staff, it is not always obvious where you turn to and who can implement it at the scale and under the conditions that that particular company needs. On this platform you can also make enquiries and if you find what you are looking for, you can go ahead and make a sort of open request for contract training," says Björn Flintberg. 

You can also get help with guidance and with analysing your business's knowledge and skills needs.

– "It's one thing if you're Volvo and have an entire department to analyse skills provision. However, small and medium-sized companies often need help. Most of the time, they are busy with the business itself and have difficulty finding the time for training. So it's about finding a model that suits each individual company," says Björn Flintberg.

System to ensure competence and documentation

Another area within VIGEO is the development of a system to ensure competence and documentation. Today, only university and higher education institutions have a central system for documentation of education through LADOK. This absence means problems validating all education at another level such as vocational training or internal training in a workplace.

– "It's obviously a huge dilemma. So it’s up to the individual to obtain and document their training and it is neither legally safe nor sustainable, and it does not provide an opportunity for competence planning," says Björn Flintberg. 

In addition to the development projects, VIGEO can assist companies and the public sector with contacts to take a project further or serve as a meeting place where ideas can be discussed and knowledge shared.

"You can network and find partners for your development project, for example. Either you need help with something, perhaps with reference groups, or you want to spread the knowledge about what you are doing and benefit from each other's knowledge," says Björn Flintberg. 

In addition, there is also help within the VIGEO business for actual development projects in order to take them further. 

"We have a wide range of skills and resources to provide help and support, and our research and knowledge can help develop a particular issue," says Björn Flintberg. 

Needs continue to increase

"Lifelong learning and skills provision will continue in line with technological developments. For companies and other businesses, it is important to change their approach and see lifelong learning and skills provision as equally important aspects of a functioning business as it is for a factory to have materials for production," says Björn Flintberg. 

"Over the last 10-15 years, the pace at which skills development is needed has only increased. You need to use skills development and lifelong learning in a completely different way to before, and consider it a natural component in conducting business activities," concludes Björn Flintberg.

Björn Flintberg

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Björn Flintberg


+46 10 516 56 55

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