Natalie Gustafsson
Innovations-och processledare

Natalie works as an innovation and process leader in the subject area innovation management at RISE. Our goal for the area is to be a national hub for innovation management, among other things by being a partner in management systems for innovation and professionalization of innovation leaders.
Natalie is passionate about creating the conditions for innovation to happen and the projects she works on focus on how to do this through systematic innovation management. Natalie has a double degree, in innovation technology and organizational psychology, from MDU.
Initiatives and projects that Natalie has been, or is, involved in include the Innovation Management Conference for Sustainable Systems Transformation, ICP4IMS (International Capability Platform for Innovation Management Systems), Leading and organizing renewal - Innovation in schools, Innovation Partnerships and the Center Management Program. Natalie also works internally at RISE with internal training in innovation management and co-ordination of the RISE Innovation Management Community.