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Innovation Management Program – Innovation Leader of the Year

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The Innovation Leader of the Year is an award initiated by Vinnova, RISE, and the professional association Innovationsledarna. The prize aims to inspire, recognize, and highlight innovation leaders who have built capability and created value within their organizations and for society.

The winner of Innovation Leader of the Year 2023 was Magnus Sundström, Head of Research and Innovation at the Swedish Maritime Administration. 

Watch the award ceremony from the 2023 Quality Fair in the player below or via this link at Vimeo. The recording starts at 11:30 minutes. The presentation is in Swedish.

Award Ceremony for Innovation Leader of the Year from November 23, 2023.

Previous Innovation Leaders of the Year

If you're curious to learn more about previous winners, you can find information at the following link: Innovation Management Conference 2022 och 2021

Nomination Criteria

The nominee has:

Contributed to building the capability to systematically lead and organize innovation work in an organization or multiple organizations in collaboration. The person has, for example, worked with: facilitation, development of innovation strategy, vision and mission, building an innovation organization, processes, etc.

Contributed to realizing and scaling value from innovations. The person has clearly contributed to moving from intention to value. Value creation can consist of new organizational innovations, as well as product, service, and business development, or value created from a broader societal and systemic perspective. As further examples, long-term value can be created through advances in sustainability and linked to the global sustainability goals.


The jury consists of representatives from academia, the public sector, and the private sector.


Trond Bugge 
Director of User Experience & Venture Growth 

Marianne Larsson 
Director HealthTech Nordic 
Innovation Skåne 

Leif Denti 
Ph. Lic., Senior Lecturer 
University of Gothenburg 

Ingrid Kihlander 
Researcher, Innovation management 
RISE Research Institute of Sweden 
Adjunct professor, Swedish Defence University 

Fredrik Lindencrona 
Lead for strategic improvement and international collaboration, Mental Wellbeing, SKR
Head of Research Co-Creation, Inner Development Goals 


Natalie Gustafsson

Contact person

Natalie Gustafsson

Innovations-och processledare

+46 10 516 54 85

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