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Courses and events about PFAS
Here you will find all events and workshops about PFAS that POPFREE organizes or participates in. Welcome!

2 September 9.00-11.00
Seminar: PFAS substitution in textile supply chains
POPFREE invites to a digital seminar to launch the tool "PFAS Substitution Guide for Textile Supply Chains". The project's textile partners will also share their lessons from practical PFAS phase-out work including development and testing of PFAS-free DWR.

20 January 2022
Webinar: Towards PFAS-free kitchenware
On January 20, 2022, the project POPFREE Industry arranged the webinar "Towards PFAS-free kitchenware". The purpose was to initiate a dialogue in the supply chain, raise the level of knowledge about PFAS chemicals and the ongoing development of new PFAS regulation within EU, and to share experiences from companies that have or are working with phasing out PFAS.
March 25, 2021
Webinar: PFAS in nonstick coatings - a risk for our health and the enviroment?
Most nonstick coatings in frying pans, pans, and waffle irons contain PFAS, something that has been increasingly questioned due to the negative impact PFAS has on our health and the environment. Therefore, the RISE initiatives POPFREE and the Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution together with Cervera invite you to a webinar focusing on PFAS's harmful effects, legislation, and how to phase out the chemicals.
Previous events
December 3 2020, online/Stockholm
Webinar: PTFE in bike chain lubricating oils
December 3 2020 the webinar PTFE in bike chain lubricating oils – essential use or future ban? was arranged by the Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution together with POPFREE. The aim of the webinar was to gather the supply chain, raise the level of knowledge about PTFE and PFAS chemicals and inspire to substitution of these chemicals in lubrication oils. See the webinar and download the presentations here.
Here you can watch the webinar.
26 mach 2020, Stockholm
Forum for a toxic-free enviroment 2020
Do you want to know how to replace hazardous substances in your business? At the Forum for a non-toxic environment, you can meet organizations that work with exchanging hazardous substances, but also learn more about the laws that apply, the business benefits of replacing hazardous substances and learning examples from different parts of society.
August 26-27 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop: Competitive skiing without fluorinated ski waxes?
POPFREE Ski Goes Global invites you to participate in a 2-day workshop, to discuss the prerequisites and obstacles for a potential phase-out of fluorinated waxes in competitive skiing.
May 27 2019, Stockholm
Workshop: Substitution of problematic chemicals in hairdressing Products
RISE invites you to a day in Stockholm to discuss the possibilities to reduce the use of problematic chemicals in hairdressing products. More information.
May 21-23 2019, Stockholm
Workshop: Colloid Chemistry and Colloidal Dispersions - Fundamentals and Practical Aspects
This 3-day intensive course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental and practical aspects of colloid chemistry and colloidal dispersions.
May 10 2019, Stockholm
POPFREE seminar about PFAS in cosmetics
The Swedish Chemicals Agency explains how we are affected by PFAS and how the legislation looks like. IVL / SU tells about PFAS in cosmetics products and exposure scenarios. In conclusion, we are told about H & M's work on phasing out PFASs and their challenges and successes.