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Webinar: PFAS substitution in textile supply chains
On September 2, 2022, a digital seminar was held to launch the "PFAS Substitution Guide for Textile Supply Chains" tool and to communicate about activities and lessons learned from the textile case in the POPFREE project.
Below you can see all the presentations from the webinar and download the guide and presentations in PDF format. All presentations are in English.
The company perspective in phasing out PFAS has been presented by partners in POPFREE step 3. There are also other companies that have phased out, or are actively working to phase out PFAS, and there are several other manufacturers of PFAS-free solutions on the market.
PFAS substitution in textile supply chains
1. Introduction and presentation of the new guide
Lisa Skedung from RISE, and Project Manager for POPFREE, gives an introduction to PFAS and to the POPFREE project. Joel Svedlund from Peak 63 presents the "PFAS Substitution Guide for Textile Supply Chains" and how to use it.
Download Lisa Skedung's presentation
Download Joel Svedlund's presentation
2. Houdini's journey in phasing out PFAS
Motivation and practical experiences about PFAS phase-out from a brand perspective, Malin Wetterborg and Malva Carlsson from Houdini.
Download Houdini's presentation
3. Bergans' journey in phasing out PFAS
Motivation and practical experiences about PFAS phase-out from a brand perspective, Christoph Centmayer and Judith Winterl from Bergans.
Download Bergans' presentation
4. Development of DWRs
Development of DWRs guided by sustainability criteria, Johannes van Overmeeren from OrganoClick.
Download OrganoClick's presentation
5. Next step
Some more information and new possibilities for collaboration, Lisa Skedung from RISE.
6. Q&A
Members of the POPFREE project answer the audience's questions.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions about PFAS substitution in textile supply chains!