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Read more about PFAS

Here you will find links to other pages about PFAS.

A4: American organisation for substitution

ChemSec: the PFAS movement 

ECHA: European Chemicals Agency - substitution for safer chemicals

Fidra: Environmental and Health aspects of PFAS

Karolinska Institutet: Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (In Swedish)

Kemikalieinspektionen: Highly fluorinated substances - PFAS

Livsmedelsverket: PFAS in drinking water and in fish

Midwor-Life: PFAS-free textile

Naturskyddsföreningen: PFAS - the worst environmental pollution of our time? (in Swedish)

Naturvårdsverket: Highly fluorinated substances in the Baltic Sea region

OECD: Portal on Per- and Poly Fluorinated chemicals

Substitutionscentrum (RISE): Swedish advisor in substitution

The RISE test bed for PFAS