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System change with locally shared energy

The switch to a robust and renewable energy system faces many challenges. In this project, RISE, together with nine project partners, studies energy communities as an effective solution to these challenges.

Two pilots that represents Sweden´s housing stock

To cover about 80% of the building market and to understand different driving forces for energy communities, two control models and new and existing construction in the pilots are demonstrated: a new district (Tamarinden) in Örebro run by the city and existing buildings in Hammarby Sjöstad run by housing cooperative. The pilots are increasing the conditions for scaling up and replicating, which are some of the project's focus areas.


Sweden to become a leader in innovative energy solutions

What is unique about our project is the holistic perspective that includes innovation, policy, governance, and law, which is a prerequisite for upscaling and replication.

We build on previous technology projects but focus on new business and integrate the socio-economic goals and test cases that our latest studies have identified.

The project will create guidelines for procurements, laws, and regulations so that services, innovations, and business plans can be created, which in turn can realize efficient energy communities in Sweden. The project aims to making Sweden an international leader in innovative energy services and of enabling energy conversion in both existing and new buildings. In addition to the technical system solutions, the project will also review guidelines for procurements and regulations so that profitable business plans can be created for the energy communities of the future in Sweden.

Erika Lönntoft

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Erika Lönntoft


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