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System change with locally shared energy - Pilots

The project studies energy communities in two pilots, which together are representative of 80 % of the properties in Sweden.

Our goal is for the pilots to be scalable and replicable, and to serve as role models in energy conversion for municipalities and companies that are looking for new solutions to reach the climate goals.


Tamarinden is developed with the ambition of being a prototype for how we can build climate-smart. In this emerging area, the technology is built in from the beginning, and the vision is for the buildings to be able to produce, store and share energy in a way that has never been done before. In this way, Tamarinden can contribute to more locally produced and renewable energy, cut power peaks and increased flexibility.

More on Tamarinden.

Hammarby Sjöstad

In the existing buildings in Hammarby Sjöstad, energy communities and microgrids are being developed at the initiative of the citizens. ElectriCITY will help housing cooperatives with energy-saving measures that lead to the properties' energy needs being reduced.

Examples of measures are FTX systems, geothermal heat and solar cells. Meters / sensors as well as control and power monitors will also be installed in properties as well as networks required for centrally controlled flexibility services and for sharing electricity. Storage options in the form of, for example, stationary batteries are also implemented in the properties.

More on Hammarby Sjöstad.