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System change with locally shared energy - About the project

The project addresses important issues linked to energy communities. We take a closer look at areas where there are knowledge gaps regarding social barriers, legislation, business models and upscaling.

Energy communities contribute to more renewable energy, energy efficiency, reduced power consumption and system benefits. The purpose of the project is to renew the Swedish energy system to meet future energy needs and at the same time protect the climate and environment.

Energy communities can increase energy savings by 30 %.

Energy communities is a way to change the system

In the two pilots the overall goal is to formulate guidelines for procurement and regulations so that services, innovations and business models can be created to realize efficient energy communities in Sweden.

The fact that the two pilots are both an existing area in Hammarby Sjöstad and a newly built residential area in Örebro, is something that is important as the social challenges to be investigated are expected to look different depending on whether the residential area is old or new.

Focus areas

The focus areas of the project all contribute to highlighting important aspects that we need to take into account, influence or develop in order to bring about a system change with locally shared energy.

Project goals

1 Reduce purchased energy, through energy efficiency, by 30 % at the area level in new construction compared to traditional construction.
2 Increase local renewable energy production and use by 20 % in new construction and existing buildings at area level.
3 Implement and demonstrate in an innovative way to reduce district heating losses and CO2 emissions by 20 % from district heating production through low-temperature systems in new construction.
4 Increase implementation of fossil-free transport solutions by 20 % through charging systems and car pools in new construction and existing urban environment.
5 Implement and demonstrate innovative energy technologies to reduce peak power requirements by at least 33 %.
6 Increase the business readiness level (BRL) for energy innovations and for energy system development through active governance in the built environment.
7 Describe the governance process to enable replication and upscaling, for cities and municipalities but also for future business owners who may also be in other countries.
8 Present the results from the pilots in at least 10 national and at least 10 international networks and in a number of films to stimulate replication and upscaling.
9 Increase Customer Readiness Level (CRL) by gathering insights and knowledge about customers' different driving forces, knowledge, identity and conditions for participating in an energy community.
10 Explore to what extent future legislation on energy communities provides an opportunity to create local energy communities and what conditions apply to this.


Duration: 2021-03-31 – 2024-12-18

Total budget: SEK 59 million

Coordinator: RISE

Funder by: Energimyndigheten

Project partners: KTH, Örebro Kommun, ÖrebroBostäder, ElectriCITY, E.ON, KTC, Enstar, Siemens, Ellevio

Erika Lönntoft

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Erika Lönntoft


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Monica Axell


+46 10 516 55 19

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