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Innovation Management for Executive Teams, according to ISO 56001

Systematic innovation work is an investment in your organization’s value creation. It helps you focus and act on today’s and future challenges and opportunities. This can involve digitalization and AI, security, work environment, or creating new circular processes, services and products, markets, and sustainable values for society.

Why Innovation Management?

Today, we know that innovation does not happen by itself. To go all the way from intention and opportunity to concrete value and innovation, leadership and organization are required. Management teams play a crucial role in creating good conditions for systematic innovation work. This can involve promoting a culture that supports creativity and implementation, defining the strategic direction for innovation work, and demanding innovation initiatives where traditional decision-making needs to be challenged, often under uncertain conditions. 

For over 10 years, researchers and practitioners have gathered experiences and research from organizations that have succeeded in their innovation work. This best practice has been compiled into a series of standards for innovation management (ISO 56000 series). 

This training in innovation management for management teams guides you through the requirements standard for innovation management (ISO 56001:2024). You will delve into the eight key principles for successful innovation work (ISO 56000:2020) and what these principles mean for your leadership and decision-making. Key questions include: 

  • How do we ensure that we as a management team and I as a leader are enablers for innovation? 

  • How do we become a strong and long-term support for the organization, as well as good “clients” of innovation? 

  • How do we future-focus our leadership and decision-making under uncertain conditions? 

Value and Delivery

After completing the program, you will have:

  • Better understanding and consensus on desired states and where you stand in relation to systematic innovation work for yourselves and for those you serve 

  • More insights and increased understanding of innovation management, its system approach, and eight key principles for innovation in accordance with the standards for innovation management, ISO 56001:2024 and ISO 56000:2020 

  • Increased confidence in creating an action plan to strengthen the organization’s innovation capability - practiced practically by the participants 

  • Increased consensus on how your continued work with systematic innovation work looks 

  • Broader knowledge of important values for creating innovation teams and innovation in your own organization, e.g., the importance of psychological safety

Target Group

The training is aimed at management teams who want to increase their ability to create good conditions for strategic and systematic innovation work, renewal, transformation, and innovation in their organizations or contexts in the short and long term.


The introductory program in innovation management includes: 

  • 2 full days (approx. 6 hours per session, preferably lunch-to-lunch), and 3 sessions x 2.5 hours online 

  • Practical exercises for your contexts (time allocated according to your ambition level) 

  • Before the start of the training, we conduct interviews with a selection of the management team to adapt the training to your organization and situation 

  • The effort per participant corresponds to approx. 25 hours 

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Natalie Gustafsson

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Natalie Gustafsson

Innovations-och processledare

+46 10 516 54 85

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Ingrid Kihlander

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Ingrid Kihlander

Senior forskare

+46 10 516 58 27

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