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Biological degradation – the ability to degrade in or withstand biological exposure

Depending on where a material or a product is used, the demands on its lifetime varies. In some cases a resistance to degradation is needed and others a full and fast biodegradation is wanted. Today there are several areas of use where it is desirable that the material or product is degraded to a large extent within a set period of time. The degradation can take place in nature such as in lake or sea, on sand, in soil or by a controlled biological process i.e. composting or digestion for production of biogas. RISE has a solid experience and expertise within life length and degradation of polymeric materials and products. Our expertise is based on two parts, one including testing and certification and one including research and development

We have a long experience of evaluating biodegradability both from customer projects and research products. Evaluations are performed in accordance with chosen international standards and can also be adapted to customer needs.

We perform evaluation of materials and products:

  • ability to withstand degradation in environments of biological exposure, often combined chemical or mechanical
  • the inherent capacity of a material to biological degradation in different environments.
  • mechanical properties after exposure
  • disintegration after exposure
Catrin Lindblad

Contact person

Catrin Lindblad

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 53 14

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