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Sustainable harvesting, preservation and storage of agricultural crops

<p>Efficient harvesting, preservation and storage of biomass to meet the requirements for profitability, quality and low environmental impact.</p>

Harvesting of winter wheat. The Straw Swath to be collected is left in a long thin line directly behind the harvester.

Biomass does not exist in infinite quantities, the land areas of the earth must be sufficient to produce both food, fuels and other industrial raw materials. In order to secure the supply of biomass in the future, in addition to high production per unit area, we also have to have basic knowledge of how to harvest, manage and store the biomass with preserved quality and without major losses. We have long experience in developing and evaluating technology, methods and system solutions for sustainable and profitable preservation of grain, ley and bioenergy crops from agriculture. The goal is energy-efficient solutions that deliver requested quality with minimal losses and have a low impact on the climate and the environment.

Examples of projects where we work on these issues are

  • evaluation and development of technologies for harvesting of crops and side-streams,
  • cereal harvesting- strategies and costs under variable weather conditions
  • silage of feed grain and ley,
  • the drying properties of different seeds
  • how to avoid formation of mycotoxins in cereals after harvest,
  • secure drying and storage processes through better systems for monitoring,
  • optimisation of logistics from field to farm,
  • access to biomass for various industrial purposes - a supply analysis,
  • methods for rapid analysis of hygienic and nutritional quality.

Exemple of assignments

  • evaluation of the performance of a farm dryer in practical operation,
  • potentials and supply of biomass,
  • evaluation of preservatives and covering materials for silage,
  • characterization of the drying and storage properties of different types of biomass,
  • measures to reduce storage losses.
Storage of moist straw by wrapping round bales. The bales are protected with netting to avoid attacks by birds, deers etc.

We often collaborate with other research groups and competencies within and outside RISE. Our work on research and development takes place in close cooperation with universities, advisors, companies and farmers. We evaluate technology and methods in both lab and full scale under practical conditions.

Nils Jonsson

Contact person

Nils Jonsson


+46 10 516 69 15

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