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Food Production Technology

With solid process engineering expertise, we work with design of resource-efficient food production lines. This expertise also includes the testbeds: Pilot Production of Food and Cleaning Innovation. Our most prominent competences are our ability to: by extrusion recombinate food Components; understand the complex interplay between equipment and food, and; our ability and capacity to design and produce prototype foods in enough quantity for further development.

Within this expertise we handle:

Food processing design

  • Flexible, scalable and modular manufacturing lines
  • Process intensification
  • Extrusion - Recombination of separated food components
  • Digitalization (Industry 4.0/Smart manufacturing)
  • Hygienic plant and processes

Technical Aspects on food processing resource efficiency

  • Energy and water
  • Processing time
  • Raw materials

Maintenance for safe food processing

  • Efficient process- and plant-cleaning (CIP and COP)
  • Benchmarking

Pilot food production

  • Bread
  • Meat product and Plant-based meat product
  • Dairy product and Plant-based dairy product
  • Seafood
  • Vegetables and general plant-based product
Lars Hamberg

Contact person

Lars Hamberg


+46 10 516 66 45

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Test & demo

FORUM - Pilot production of food

Nationally unique facility through the combination of staff and food grade premises with equipment for manufacturing, product development including production and product analysis.

Cleaning and disinfection

Is it not as clean as it should? Which chemicals or materials are the best? How do you measure cleanliness? How can one resource optimise its cleaning process?</p>
Test & demo

Microwave and Infrared processing techno

Technology at the internationally leading edge, including tubular microwave processing (e.g. pasteurisation and sterilisation), combined microwave processing technologies, e.g. microwave baking, microwave-assisted drying, volume e…
Test & demo


Connected fields, self-driving electric farming machinery and advanced systems for data analysis shall contribute to a fossil-free, more sustainable and profitable agriculture. In close cooperation with our partners, RISE runs a t…
Test & demo

Superkritisk koldioxidextraktion

De olika förbehandlingsmöjligheterna inom testbädden och anläggningens storlek gör den unik på nationell nivå för grön extraktion av opolära ämnen till livsmedel (grön: utan organiska lösningsmedel).


Extrusion is an established process technology in the food industry. Extrusion is used to produce many different food products available on the market; snacks, breakfast cereals, pasta and vegetarian meat substitutes, and is also …