Contact person
Mikael Mangold
Contact Mikael“Dynamic EU building stock knowledge hub - BuiltHub" is a 4-year European Project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. The project seeks to develop a roadmap to continuously enhance the data needed to decide on building-related policy and business for involved stakeholders through a community and its data hub.
The EU-funded BuiltHub project will define a roadmap and vision for a durable data flow to characterise the EU building stock and support its decarbonisation. For this purpose, the project will develop an organised and inclusive data collection method in a easy-to-access-and-use datahub platform. The web-based BuiltHub platform will ensure and support a long-lasting data flow through a benefits-based engagement strategy of potential beneficiaries and users such as data and metadata providers and simple users. The strategy will be applied through the development of value information services around data transformation and interpretation tailored to platform users.
In addition to developing the roadmap and platform, the project is concerned with fostering a Europe-wide community interested in knowledge about the EU building stock and its transition. BuiltHub is therefore going to collect aggregated data on building stock performance. To collect data of use to stakeholders and the community, and to develop useful, evolving services, BuiltHub needs to engage stakeholders to determine their needs and get their feedback on the offered products and services.
In a nutshell, BuiltHub aims to create the basis for a rapid and cost-effective building stock transformation by:
Other than Sweden
4 years
2 000 000 €
Pei-Yu Wu Jenny von Platten Claes Sandels Kristina Mjörnell Mikael Mangold