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DINO: Demonstrator for Innovation in the Public Sector

Public actors who work with operational and administrative tasks or with issues concerning regulations, do not always have an organization or structure that is suitable for innovation or transformation. To meet the demands placed on public actors, DINO aims to develop a model and structure for innovation work.

Video: DINO Demonstrator for Innovation in the Public Sector – The Learning Journey with Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan (In Swedish)


Innovation is crucial for addressing the complex challenges faced by the public sector, yet many organizations lack the necessary conditions to succeed. Through the DINO project, RISE has developed a method that supports public organizations in running innovation projects that create long-term value.

In the project, we combined research and practical efforts to develop tools that address both cultural and organizational barriers to innovation. A central component of the process was the "Learning Journey", a learning intervention based on the "Double Diamond" model. Through workshops, lectures, and practical exercises, participating organizations enhanced their capacity to work user-centered and systematically with innovation.

An important insight from the project is that the success of similar initiatives heavily depends on organizational readiness, clear objectives, and a willingness to integrate and sustain new ways of working. Despite the challenges, the "Learning Journey" served as a catalyst for increased awareness of the conditions for innovation and the importance of user-centered design.

The lessons learned from the intervention form the foundation of the handbook and method developed by the project to strengthen innovation efforts in the public sector.

Explore our results and find inspiration for taking the next step in your innovation journey:

Scroll down to discover how the project was carried out and the insights that shaped the results.

About the Project DINO

DINO is a RISE project that aims to develop a concrete innovation support - method lab - for lifelong learning and skills supply.

Authorities and other parts of the public sector have a great need for development to meet the needs of society. Often, however, the organization is not rigged to work with development or development projects within its own structure, and there may be concrete challenges that slow down. This can be, for example, organizational challenges, culture, law, finances, lack of competence or project management.

In the DINO project, RISE will develop a test bed where pilots and demonstrators from the public sector can explore innovation and renewal, with the help of a developed and quality-assured process and the support that the organization needs. RISE is well equipped for this with its bank of expertise in a wide range, from process and project management, innovation expertise, training etc.

The purpose of DINO is thus to eventually offer a package of methods, tools and resources that lower the threshold of the public sector to begin innovation work. A support that sheds light on the challenges of government and public organizations within the framework of the global challenge of skills change.


Project name




RISE role in project

Project Lead

Project start


3 år

Total budget

7'000'000 SEK



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

4. Quality education
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Åsa Vikner

Contact person

Åsa Vikner


+46 10 228 40 59

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Kristina Söderberg

Contact person

Kristina Söderberg


+46 70 631 31 76

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