Contact person
Ann-Charlotte Mellquist
Contact Ann-CharlotteIn the Favorite Wardrobe project we wanted to investigate how people use and don't use the garments in their wardrobe.
One of the most sustainable variants of the circular economy is not really circular as it involves using what already exists well and for a long time.
Together with ASKET Filippa K and Houdini Sportswear, RISE ran the Favorite Wardrobe project, which aimed at investigating how private individuals use their wardrobes over a 100-day period, eith the help of a bespoke app solution. We analyzed how much of different clothing categories are used in the wardrobes, also including demographics.
Imagine if the expensive clothes are not only the most durable if they are used the most and for the longest time, but also the cheapest in terms of cost per day of use. Prototype made the app.
Favorite Wardrobe Results_Long_0.pdf (pdf, 2.33 MB)
Favorite Wardrobe Results_Short_0.pdf (pdf, 1.19 MB)
Favorite Wardrobe_Summary_July 2023_Eng.pdf (pdf, 768.05 KB)
Final report (pdf, 1.04 MB)
Favorite Wardrobe
Region Stockholm, Västra Götaland Region
48 månader
1 150 000
Asket's web site, Filippa K's web site, Houdinis Sportwear's web site
Ann-Charlotte Mellquist Emma Enebog Agnieszka Hunka
Favorite Wardrobe is part of the RE:Source exhibition at Nordic Sustainability Expo 2023
TT article (in Swedish)Article in Miljö & Utveckling (in Swedish)