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PowerUp - Innovation for the gaming industry

PowerUP: world-class gaming innovation

PowerUp is a network group and collaboration arena for actors in the Swedish computer game industry. The focus is on issues related to the ecosystem and infrastructure around the Swedish computer game industry and formats for collaboration on strategy, research, infrastructure, sustainability and business development, games and culture.

PowerUP is an initiative born out of the successful project Kraftsamling Dataspelsbranschen, with a vision to further strengthen and develop an innovation system where computer game companies and the ecosystem around them can grow and thrive in the long term. By addressing and navigating through the industry-specific challenges identified by Kraftsamling Dataspelsbranschen, PowerUP lays the foundation for a more sustainable future where innovation and collaboration are at the centre. The aim is to create a robust infrastructure that promotes open dialogue and knowledge sharing between stakeholders at all levels - from local to national and international.

PowerUP is committed to improving industry collaboration, which creates a stronger ecosystem for knowledge exchange and innovation. By developing critical issues in collaboration with the public sector, the project aims to create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the potential and needs of the computer games industry. This approach aims to highlight the importance of a shared commitment to technological progress, sustainability and equality within the sector.

The implementation of PowerUP prioritises networking on a national scale and working in focused groups to address specific challenges. The project acts as a catalyst to strengthen companies' innovation capacity over time by offering support in development processes and helping with applications for further projects and initiatives. By acting as a facilitator, PowerUP helps create an environment where ideas can emerge and be realised and where the industry as a whole can develop positively.

With an inclusive and collaborative approach, PowerUP is dedicated to building bridges between different actors and sectors to promote a broader understanding and commitment to the long-term success of the computer games industry. The project is not just an investment in today but a stake on tomorrow's innovations and opportunities in the computer games industry.










Project name




RISE role in project

Project Owner

Project start


2 years

Total budget

2 000 000 SEK


Vinnova - PowerUp

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Gabriella Kalteneckar

Contact person

Gabriella Kalteneckar

+46 10 228 46 31

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Björn Flintberg

Contact person

Björn Flintberg


+46 10 516 56 55

Read more about Björn

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