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The Trace4Value/SwePass project brings together over 50 stakeholders to jointly address the complex challenge of sustainable system transformation and climate-neutral and circular production with resource-efficient value chains.

Trace4Value/SwePass brings together actors from several sectors to address the challenge of sustainable system transformation. The challenge is complex and requires collaboration through several parts of the innovation system and the participation of parties from both industry, academia and actors in the form of industry representatives. Swedish industry is currently moving towards a transition to climate-neutral and circular production where resource-efficient and resilient value chains are a prerequisite. The transition from linear to circular economy is half the solution to the climate crisis; that is how important the issue is today. Trace4Value/SwePass will serve as a platform to drive a development where innovation can create national and international competitiveness where the circular economy is an export product and contributes to a socially and culturally sustainable industry.

Through Trace4Value/SwePass, industry can be part of a sustainable system transformation while strengthening the competitiveness of companies. The transition from linear to circular economy is systemic and pervasive and cannot be implemented in isolation by companies, organizations or other parts of society. It requires cross-border cooperation and large-scale action. For industry, this means collaborating across the entire value chain, and Trace4Value/SwePass addresses multiple dimensions.

The major contribution of the project is the consultation and mutual learning between the industries represented, and the project's policy and advocacy work aims to disseminate the results to actors far beyond the project.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


7 years

Total budget




Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Malin Rosqvist

Contact person

Malin Rosqvist


+46 10 228 44 05

Read more about Malin

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