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Terahertz waveguide S-parameter setup.
Photo: Divya Jayasankar

Traceable S-parameter measurements for next-gen wireless systems

The project will develop accurate methods for calibration and S-parameter measurements at terahertz frequencies for next-generation wireless systems.

Terahertz (1012 Hz) region is sandwiched between microwaves and the photonics region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The space industry has been a niche customer of terahertz (THz) frequencies for over two decades. Due to recent advancements, THz technology is now finding its way into a variety of applications such as biomedicine, defence, wireless communications (6G), connected autonomous vehicles (CAV), Internet of things (IoT). Despite its attractive scientific potential, realizing terahertz systems is hindered by the lack of accurate calibration methods and traceability to the SI system.

Decisive for the industry

The project’s purpose is to help address the lack of traceability so that the electronic industries can fully utilize the capacity of these high-frequency systems. The research is crucial for Swedish and European initiatives to develop and be competitive in the THz market.

Methods for calibration and characterization

The project aims to demonstrate traceable calibration and characterization methods for the next generation of wireless systems based on terahertz technology.


Publications on Divya Jayasankar's page on Chalmers web site

Results from an interlaboratory comparison of high relevance for the project, however constituting the final activity of a European EMPIR project was presented and published in the proceedings of EuMC 2023.


Project name

Terahertz metrology



RISE role in project

Project leader

Project start



Total budget

700 000 SEK



Project members

Contact person

Divya Jayasankar


+46 10 516 62 56

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