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Photo: Gustav Backhans

Visualizing infrastructure in the landscape

LAVIS 2.0 was conducted as a project between RISE, the Swedish Transport Agency and with the aim of exploring the conditions for a platform for visualizing infrastructure projects in the landscape.

The approach to the project, and the preliminary study that preceded LAVIS 2.0 was to, through an increased digital working method, enable coordination, cooperation and communication between the municipality, the state and citizens by simplifying, streamlining and partly automating the handling, modification and generation of different kinds of visualizations of infrastructure projects to show infrastructure in the landscape. From working with BIM/GIS data, to visualized, tangible models in real-time based 3D graphics in one and the same solution unlike today's fragmented solutions.   
The project was carried out as a continuation of the feasibility study "Prestudy - Where the landscape meets infrastructure - Integrated visualization using GIS and BIM (LAVIS)" (TRV 2019/90 306) which was carried out in 2020.   

Project results

Based on the preliminary study already carried out, the project explored, detailed and prioritized needs that the identified user groups have in relation to visualization regarding usability, suitable functions and user interfaces, based on a perspective of the entire visualization process. The project result further presents important aspects linked to critical dependencies, implementation and management.   
Through its extensive testing and prototype development, LAVIS 2.0 has demonstrated the potential of an integrated visualization platform that can improve the way infrastructure projects are visualized and managed. By putting the users' needs in focus and combining advanced technology with user-centered design, the project is ready to shape the way of working in the future within the Swedish Transport Administration and other related stakeholders. 
Publication of the final report is expected to take place in August 2024 


Project name





Region Östergötland

RISE role in project


Project start


25 månader

Total budget

5 400 000




The Swedish Transpport Administration, Reasearch- and innovationportfolio "Bygga"

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Amanda Sundberg

Contact person

Amanda Sundberg


Read more about Amanda

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