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Tools developed within the project Zero Vibration Injury

Zero vibration-related injuries - Upscaling for a sustainable working

Machines do not need to vibrate and injure people!
Vibration injuries are the most common cause of occupational disease in Sweden today. The project's vision is "Zero vibration injury". This should be achieved by addressing the source of the problem and reducing vibration levels in handheld machines.

Community actors in Sweden have gathered to take a joint stand against the vibrational injury. Vibration injuries involve great personal suffering and significant costs for society and companies when the victims have to be relocated or on sick leave.

The project is based on the work and results achieved within the UDI projects Zero Vibration Injuries steps 1-3 during the period 2014 - 2020, see below under Related. The purpose is to further develop the solutions and results from the previous projects to drive the work further towards the vision "Zero vibration injury". In this project, we continue to work on moving from prototype production of machines to business operations of commercial players, which is required for the machines to be available to end users.

The goal is to scale up to system solutions for vibration reduction for machine groups and create conditions for business operations so that low-vibration machines reach the market.

The work is conducted in real industrial environments with participating parties representing the automotive, construction, stone and dental sectors. Both machine users, as well as machine rental companies and machine manufacturers are involved in the project.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

8. Decent work and economic growth
Hans Lindell

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Hans Lindell


+46 70 780 60 02

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Carolina Pettersson

Contact person

Carolina Pettersson


+46 10 228 47 37

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Reducing vibration injury by fixing the source of the problem is the goal within the ZeroVibCenter. As a member of the network, your company receives knowledge and help further in vibration-related issues and also invitations to s…

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There is no need for machines to vibrate and injure people! Vibration is the most common cause of occupational injuries in Sweden today. The project's vision is: Zero vibration-related injuries. In order to achieve this, the …

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