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Production test - CIPP-liners

Ackredited productions test for third party quality assurance of CIPP-liner projects. The tests usually performed is measurement of wall thickness, ring stiffness or bending stiffness and residual styrene according to standardized methods in EN ISO 11296-4:2018.


The final quality of a CIPP-liner is very much dependent on the competence and experience of the entrepreneur. Swedish Water does therefore recommend that sampling of test pieces should be performed. A spot-check of the tested parameters is valuable for the client, so that the characteristics are fulfilling the requirements set in the procurement process.


The tests are performed according to the test standards described in EN ISO 11296-4:2018 and the order by the client:

Wall thickness: EN ISO 3126

Ring stiffness: ISO 7685

Bending stiffness: EN ISO 11296-4:2018, Annex B

Residual styrene: ISO 4901


The results are presesendet in a ackredited technical report, together with comparison to the requirements or the design values.


Order by e-mail to the contact person. Please use the order form available under "More information below".

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Production test - CIPP-liners


Power / torque sensors, Mätklockor

Metrology Area

Force and torque, Length and geometry

Delivery level



EN ISO 11296-4

EN ISO 3126

ISO 7685

ISO 4901

EN 1228


The prices are set according to a price list.

For price information, provide CIPP-dimension and requested tests.

Delivery time

Dependent on availability in the laboratory, but within three weeks.


A ring of the pipe is needed for the ring stiffness tests, preferrably with a length of 600 mm.

For bending stiffness a smaller piece is needed, preferrably 400x400 mm.

Residual styrene can be measured on a piece that have the dimensions 100x100 mm.

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11. Sustainable cities and communities


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