Safety of toys – Mechanical and physical properties
To ensure that our children's toys are safe to play with, there is the standard series SS-EN 71. The series of standards includes, among other things, test methods for mechanical and physical properties SS-EN 71-1.
We perform tests of toys according to SS-EN 71-1. The requirements in the standard vary depending on the age of the children to whom the toy is aimed, and the type of toy.
The requirements mostly cover the physical properties that a toy has, such as sharp edges, tips and small parts that can get stuck in the throat. The requirements also include the risk of crush injuries, risk of overturning and load. Other requirements are the information that comes with when you buy the product, such as assembly instructions, warnings and CE marking.
We also perform analyses and tests according to SS-EN 71-2 (flammability) and SS-EN 71-3 (migration of chemical substances).
SS-EN 71
The result is delivered in the form of a report.