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Water content determination in battery electrolytes

Water is an impurity in Li-ion electrolytes. This is because water reacts, breaks down, important components such as the active salt LiPF6. Control of production and recycling processes towards low water levels is of great importance. We offer analysis of water content in, among other things, ketone-based electrolytes.


Water content determinations can be made in several ways based on concentration and matrix. For the electrolytes that are common in Li-ion batteries, we perform customized titrations of water. The method is based on Karl-Fischer's methodology, both columetric and volumetric. Titrations give a low spread in the measurements and the two types together give a large measurment range, from about 50 ppm to 100%. In case of expected low water levels, consult us about sampling and transport. The risk of contamination is large. We can also provide you with suitable sampling vessels.


Karl-Fischer Titration


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Determination of the water content in battery electrolyte based on modified Karl-Fischer titration.

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Express analysis or according to agreement


Talk to us about sample vessels. 

Moufida Mansouri

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Moufida Mansouri


+46 10 516 57 69

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Leena Andersson

Forskning-och utvecklingsingenjör

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