Contact person
Lisa Löfving
Chef Strategisk forskning och affärsutveckling
Contact LisaInternationally unique because it gathers the whole value chain from raw materials to fully developed product concepts.
The research villa is a near-zero energy one-family dwelling where you can test your product in real-life with a real climate and with a definite or varied type of accommodation. Over 100 measurement points detect, at a detail level, how different installation solutions, components or user-behaviors affect performance and function of the system.
The villa is built with special regard to have a well-insulated, tight and moisture-proof building structure, as well as energy-efficient installation technology. It is possible to simulate that a real family lives in the villa using so-called "manikins" and robots that control tap water flow, etc. Currently the plant consists of:
The Research Villa
Isolated testbeds (IT)
Buildings and infrastructure, Energy and Clean Tech
Västra Götaland Region