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Contact the Assembly Forum

The Assembly Forum is administered by RISE and is led by a council of people active in industry and research.

Do you have any questions or want more information about the Assembly Forum, the Assembly Conference or the Assembly Award? Please contact the Assembly Forum's representatives at RISE, see e-mail address and telephone number below.

The Assembly Forum's council

The Assembly Forum is led by a council of people active in industry and research. 

Lars Oxelmark, Scania (Chairmen)
Mattias Holmstedt, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique
Magnus Andersson, Xylem
Mats Åhgren, Level21
Mats Björkman, Linköpings universitet
Lars Medbo, Chalmers tekniska högskola
Johan Andersson, Swegon
Gunnar Bäckstrand, Volvo Powertrain
Björn Langbeck, Tillväxtverket
Daniel Gåsvaer, RISE
Annika Nilsson, RISE

Contacts for the Assemby Forum