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Positive lists for substitution of hazardous substances

Swedish Center for Chemical Substitutions compilation of lists with alternatives to hazardous chemicals, materials or products.

Positive lists contain information on safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals, materials, or products. Lists are helpful when looking for safer alternatives, but do not replace your assessment. In our compilation, updated in January 2023, you find 50 websites with information on safer alternatives. Please note that information about the safer alternatives varies in quality. The hazard criteria used as the basis for the assessment varies between lists. It is, therefore, necessary to read what applies to the list you are interested in - we have provided appropriate links. The Substitution Center has not assessed the content of the lists. The purpose of this list-of-list is to curate information relevant to substitution of hazardous chemicals. 

Don't forget the 30 other resources like databases, marketplaces, and case studies saved in the Substitution guide. 

Download the Positive list of lists

Three examples of positive lists

INERIS: French National Institute for Environmental Technology and Hazards provides lists for: phthalates, CMR (Substances that are Cancerogenic, Mutagenic, Reproductive Disorders), Bisphenol A, and PFAS.

SUBSPORTplus: The Substitution Support Portal provides reports for Chloroalkanes, Chromium VI and compounds, Bisphenol A, Lead, Nonylphenol and ethoxylates, Tetrachloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Brominated Flame retardants (HBCDD), Parabens

TCO Certified: "TCO Certified Accepted Substance List" is a list for the electronics industry with information on plasticizers, flame retardants, and process chemicals.

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Nina Melander

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Nina Melander

Rådgivare Substitutionscentrum

+46 10 516 52 16

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